Domain name is the address to identify particular website rather than using IP address, which comprise a series of numbers that are difficult to be memorized.

Domain Introduction


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

  • non-profit organisation led by professionals from technology industries. 

  • Responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases, including IP address space allocation, protocol identifier assignment, gTLD and ccTLD name system management and root server system management functions.

  • HUYI Global, recognized by ICANN, is a domain registration organisation which provides global domain registration, monitoring, management and arbitration services to customers. 

Domain structure

Domain Characteristic

Every domain name is special, first register first serve

Build up brand image

Prevent fake website

Easy to memorize

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Types of Top-level Domain


  • Managed by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)


  • Most countries or regions use 2 letters as abbreviation

  • Chinese or local text can also be used as the country code of domain

New gTLD

  • Jargon of each particular industry

  • A wide variety of New gTLD choices for domain registration.

gTLD Major user group
.com For commercial organisation
.edu For education organisation
.gov For government and its subsidiary
.mil For military organisation
ccTLD Regions
Hong Kong
.us United States
Example of New gTLD
.xyz .商标
.services .公司
.design .host
.store .blog
  • After applying TMCH, trademark owner enjoys the right to register their domain names during sunrise periods before a new gTLD becomes available. Click here to view more information if you are interested in TMCH.


WHOIS stores the basic information of registered domain, and can be used as searching information including IP address and registered users etc.

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