Patent is an exclusive right granted by the authority of a jurisdiction to the applicant/owner/inventor to use and exploit the patented invention.

Patent Types

  • Invention Patent(Standard patent)﹕Products or ways that differ in some way and have significant improvement from existing technology.

  • Utility Model Patent(Short term patent)﹕Significant improvement from the existing products, mostly based on the product size, shape and structure. Methods or compute applications are mostly ineligible to be protected under Utility Model Patent but Invention Patent.

  • Design Patent:Protection of the unique visual qualities, including shape, pattern and color, of a manufactured item.

Patent Synopsis


The exclusive right to manufacture, use, sell and import the invention.


The exclusive patent right will be valid in designated country or region in which it has been filed and granted.


The patent right will be valid for a period of time, and the duration varies depending on the country and the type of patent applied.



The invention can be made or used practically with effectiveness


The invention must contain with new elements which is different from the existing knowledge in its technical field.


The invention must be creative and unable to be discovered by relevant professionals effortlessly.



Underpin the market proposition

Magnificent in return on investments

Opportunity to license or resell the invention

Enhance the corporate image

Patent Duration

Regions Type Required Time Duration
Hong Kong Invention patent(1st stage) (Standard patent) 30-36 months 20 years
Invention patent(2nd stage) (Standard patent)
Utility Model Patent (Short term patent) 8-10 months 8 years
Design Patent 7-8 months 25 years
China Invention patent 30-36 months 20 years
Utility Model Patent 12-18 months 10 years
Design Patent 9-12 months
U.S. Invention patent 24-30 months 20 years
Design Patent 10-12 months 14 years
EU EPO Invention Patent 36-48 months 20 years
EU Design Patent 4-6 months 25 years
Japan Invention patent 24-30 months 20 years
Utility Model Patent 8-12 months 10 years
Design Patent 15-18 months 20 years
Australia Invention patent (Standard patent) 24-30 months 20 years
Utility Model Patent (Invention Patent) 6-10 months 8 years
Design Patent 7-10 months 10 years

Patent priority right

The priority right allows the claimant to file a subsequent application in another country for the same invention or design.

  • Domestic priority right:Some countries allow inventors to claim the priority of a first application when filing a subsequent application with the same jurisdiction within 12 months for sake of supplementing a previously filed patent. It is noted that design patent is excluded from such particular priority right.

  • Right of prioriry:The priority date of the later filed applications in other jurisdiction would be the application date of the first application, if the applicant is able to file a subsequent application of invention patent or utility model patent of the same invention in other jurisdictions within 12 months. The same applies for design patent but with a shorter time limit of 6 months.

Patent FAQ

Patent application

Q1:Do I meet the requirement of applying patent?
A1:Applicant should be the invention owner, or if the applicant is not the owner, he/she has to submit a statement with supporting documents, to explain the ownership of the invention.

Q2:How can I apply the patent?
A2:Applicant should apply through the Patents Registry of the Intellectual Property Department of respective countries. Protection will not be granted automatically in Hong Kong, even though you have applied your patent in China and/or other countries.

To Hong Kong, whereas utility patent(short term patent) can be registered by passing the formality examination through Patent Registry of HKIPD.

Should you have any inquries about patent application, please feel free to contact our IP consultant anytime.

Q3:Which patent types should I apply?
Invention patent (Standard patent):(1) When the product life / invention life lasts more than 8 years, (2) When investors or enterprises who invests on related IT business requests a longer patent protection period.
Utility patent (Short term patent):When the product life / invention life lasts less than 8 years

All information is subject to HKIPD. You may click here to view more details.

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