E-Copyright Registration
Rapid development of online copyright
Due to the fast development of digital technology, almost all creative productions can now be digitalized with an online network.
E-copyright is a timestamp certificate. It is suitable for use as evidence of creation, and is timeless, authoritative and integral in protecting any original work.
Step 1
Verification of the time stated on your e-copyright registration is conducted by the National Time Service Center (NTSC). This Center time keep and monitor e-copyright registrations. The stated time on your e-copyright registration is only recognized by the law if it was conducted by the Time Service Center.
Step 2
Your e-copyright registration comprises of solidified electronic data, avoid tampering. Then, Provision of “Electronic Signature Law of the People’s Republic of China”.
Step 3
Every industry, especially digital documents and original works, should be protected by E-Copyright.
For example: Art, design drafts, financial data, literary works, mail, plans, records, reports, salary reports, sales models, stock display, videos and soundtracks etc…
Advantages of E-Copyright Registration
Chinese official organization: National Time Service Center ensures a real-time production and creation of China copyright registration, which increases reliability and authority.
The time’s statement states that your copyright registration China is conducted by the National Time Service Center, and cannot be tampered.
E-Copyright registration is user-friendly whereby users can easily complete it in front of a computer.
It only takes a few minutes to complete the protection process, providing a 7 x 24 platforms to fulfill all customer and industry needs.
Complies with the “Electronic Signature Law of the People’s Republic of China” and other relevant laws and regulations.
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